Ever wanted to learn how the real airline pilots do it?
Join me Tuesdays for this new series and a real-life airline pilot as he takes us through the checklists and the real-world experience managing and flying the airline heavies.
Alan (vnavpth) has flown many airplanes in his career and is currently flying the Boeing 757 and 767 series of aircraft. On our Tuesday Lesson evenings, this new series brings new light to how the real airline pilots handle their big birds from cold and dark to complete journeys. In Flight Simulator, he will be managing the 787-10 Dreamliner through our series. Ref: Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boeing_787_Dreamliner
Join us Tuesday, February 26th at 5pm Eastern Time, 10pm Zulu (GMT). on: http://twitch.tv/ForderLearntoFly
When you get there, type !checklist and !info to get the checklist and background. !selfserve
vnavpth currently flies the Boeing 757/767 series of aircraft